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Most people ask, “How do I stop my fridge door from swinging open too far?” When you open your refrigerator door to pick or store something inside, the last sound you want to hear is that of the door hitting the wall. A refrigerator door that swings open too far not only leads to damage of the wall, but also hurts your home by damaging your cabinets or walls when it slams into them.


Therefore, to ensure the longevity of your refrigerator and maintain the aesthetic appeal of your walls or cabinets, you should control how far your refrigerator door opens. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to fix a fridge door that swings open too far. And in this article, we discuss four practical ways on how to manage the opening of the refrigerator door. Read on!


How Do I Stop My Fridge Door from Swinging Open Too Far?

Fortunately, to prevent how far the refrigerator door swings, you don’t need to do a major kitchen remodel. Rather, you can simply adjust the built-in refrigerator door stoppers, such that the fridge opens at a lower degree and does not slam into walls or cabinets. Alternatively, install a regular doorstop on the refrigerator door to act as a more efficient stopper than the built-in stopper. As another option, you can try reversing the direction that the refrigerator door regularly swings, or even use a soft item to cushion the blow that the refrigerator door causes.

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Many replacement parts looks the same but it won’t fit your model. Don’t be fooled, check out your model number before you buy.

Let’s look into each of these four solutions and how they prevent the fridge door from swinging open too far:

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1. Adjust Built-In Doorstops

Nowadays, standard refrigerator models are designed with built-in doorstops that control the extent to which the door swings open. Most of these models are present to allow the refrigerator door to open up to 130 degrees.

However, depending on your kitchen arrangement and location of the refrigerator, 130 degrees may not be ideal for you, causing the door to slam into cabinets or doors. If this is the case for your kitchen, simply adjust the refrigerator door so that it opens up to a maximum of 90 degrees; this degree should allow you to open the doors and drawers easily without these hitting the walls.

Most standard refrigerators install their built-in doorstops into the bottom or top hinge. However, since not all models offer the doorstop adjustment feature, make sure to check your refrigerator manual or consult with the manufacturer before undertaking this task.


2. Install a Standard Doorstop

Some refrigerator models do not include a built-in doorstop in their design. And even for refrigerators that include the doorstop, it may not be very effective when it comes to preventing the refrigerator door from slamming into walls. In such cases, you could opt to install a standard DIY doorstop on the refrigerator door.

For example, you can use regular floor stops or traditional wall bumpers as your refrigerator’s doorstop. The good thing about these regular DIY doorstops is that they include rubbery-cushioned tips that not only make it easier to fasten them into the wall, but also protect the wall and refrigerator door from damage. However, when buying a standard doorstop for your fridge door, choose one that has the right size and try out the best location to place it so that it prevents the door from slamming into the wall.

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3. Reverse the Door Swing

Reversing the direction of which the refrigerator door swings can help to minimize collisions between the fridge door and the cabinets or nearby walls. However, while most standard refrigerators have reversible door swings, it is always a good idea to first check with the manual or manufacturer’s instructions before attempting this.

For refrigerator models whose door swing direction can be reversed, you can simply unscrew and replace the hinges to reverse the door swing. In some cases, you might be forced to buy a new set of hardware to be able to reverse the swing, or even buy a new door if your refrigerator does not have a reversible door!


4. Cushion the Blow

This should be your very last resort when everything else fails. Place a soft object or piece of furniture against the wall or cabinet, so that it catches the refrigerator door when it is flung wide open. The soft object cushions the blow caused, preventing any possible damage to the wall.

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Refrigerator doors that swings open too far are more than just an annoyance; they also cause significant damage to the fridge and nearby walls. In fact, overtime, the constant slamming of the fridge doors into the walls may lead to chipping of the walls and formation of dents in the refrigerator door.

So how do you stop your refrigerator door from swinging open too far? Simply follow the four suggested tips in this article and you will never have to worry about refrigerator doors that slam into walls or cabinets!

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