Accidental glue spills, accidental stains; these happen a lot. In fact, most of us have probably googled how to remove glue from wood at one point. It could be that glue spilled on the wooden countertop when repairing a household item, or it stained your wood floors during a crafting project, just to mention a few scenarios.

How to Remove Glue From Wood

Regardless of the reason behind the spill, you can still remove the glue stains from the wooden floors. And you don’t need to break the bank in order to do so. With simple tools, homemade products and the right techniques, you can easily remove glue from wood.

We have done all the research for you, and in this article, we discuss the simplest, yet most effective natural ways to remove glue from wood.

How to Remove Small Glue Spots

METHOD 1: White Vinegar

Vinegar is an ideal solution for removing glue and adhesive stains, since it does not ruin the wood finishing like most chemical products.


  • 120 ml White Vinegar
  • Clean Rag


1. Soak a clean rag in white vinegar and wring it to remove excess solution. Dab the glue with the rag. Avoid putting too much vinegar on the rag. Rather, dab it in small amounts, doing so repeatedly until the adhesive becomes loose and soft.

2. When the glue becomes loose, roll it off using your fingers. Remember to do so gently so as not to scrape or damage the wood finishing.


METHOD 2: Mayonnaise

This may seem really weird, but is actually proven to be successful! Mayonnaise contains oil which can soften glue and adhesives. This characteristic is what makes it an ideal option for removing small glue spots.


  • Mayonnaise
  • Clean Cloth


1. Using your fingers, rub some mayonnaise on the small glue spots. Let the mayonnaise sit for at least 15 minutes.

2. Using a clean cloth, wipe off the mayonnaise. The oil in mayo will have already softened the glue; hence, when you wipe it off it will also come off with the glue. However, if the glue still does not come off after the first mayonnaise application, apply another layer to remove it.


METHOD 3: Orange Peels

Orange peels consist of citric acid. The citric acid functions to break down glue, making it easy to remove.


  • Fresh Orange
  • Clean Cloth


1. Peel a fresh orange, then place several peels on the glue spots. Let these sit on the spots for about ten minutes.

2. After the ten minutes, remove these orange peels. Using a clean cloth, wipe off the glue; the glue should come off very easily having been broken down by the citrus in the peels.


How to Remove Large and Stubborn Glue Spots

Unlike smaller glue spots, large and stubborn spots can be quite challenging to remove. However, with a little elbow grease, these thick spots and tough glue stains can still be removed.


  • A 600-Grit Sandpaper
  • A 1200-Grit Sandpaper
  • A clean, Soft Cloth
  • Wood Finish
  • Dull Gloss (Alternatively, you can use a satin or a layer of wood polish)


1. Get a small 600-grit sandpaper, one just enough to cover the thick glue patch. Then, sand this spot until all the glue/adhesive appears flat on the wooden surface. During sanding, you are encouraged to use back and forth motions in medium pressure.

2. Using a 1200-grit sandpaper, sand the remaining glue spot. However, be careful that you do not sand the wood; just focus on the glue spot.

3. Using a clean, soft cloth, wipe the stain spot to remove any remaining pieces of glue on the wood. Also, just like in step 3, be careful that you do not sand any wood.

4. To restore the shine of the wood, apply a wood finish. If you notice that you sanded the wood by accident, apply a wood finishing that matches the wood’s original finish. Do this also if you notice that the glue removed some of the finish.

5. Apply a dull gloss (or a satin) to shine up the spot where the glue had stained. Alternatively, you can apply a thin layer of matching wood polish to increase the shine of the stained area.


How to Remove Sticky Residue from Wood

This procedure is mostly recommended for removing small spots of sticker glue and residue from wood.


  • Heat Fan (or a hair dryer)
  • A Plastic Scraper
  • A clean, Soft Cloth


1. Set your heat fan or hair dryer at the lowest heat setting. The direct heat applied to the glue spot helps to soften it, making it loose and easy to remove. However, it is recommended that you use the lowest heat setting to avoid causing any possible damage to the wood.

2. Apply the heat fan or dryer to the glue for at least 15 seconds. The dryer or fan should be kept 2 to 3 inches from the glue spot. The applied heat will melt the glue, making it easy to scrape off.

However, if the layer of glue is quite thick or extra sticky, you might have to apply the fan or dryer for 20-25 seconds. However, do not apply heat for more than 30 seconds, since this could cause damage to the wood.

3. Using a plastic scraper, remove the glue. Place the scraper carefully underneath the glue. Then, slide it under the glue a couple of times to dislodge and remove it. Make sure to do this gently to avoid scratching the delicate wood. Also, if you do not have a plastic scraper, you can still remove the glue with your hands.

4. Wipe the remaining glue stain using a soft cloth, until the area remains sparkling clean.



Glue can come in handy when joining or fixing parts of different items. However, once it spills and dries on wood, it can be quite difficult to remove without leaving a stain. Thankfully, the suggestions discussed on how to remove glue from wood can help you do this easily, without damaging your precious wood.

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